Higher Education Guidance
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Higher Education Advice and Guidance
All students in Year 12 and 13 receive comprehensive guidance on university options, destinations and applications from our two dedicated Higher Education Advisors. Starting with A-Level options conversations, students and parents can book 1:1 meetings with our Higher Education advisors to discuss future study and career plans and find the right opportunities for each student.
Our Higher Education advisors believe that self-reflection and the exploration of personal values, expectations and ambitions is fundamental in finding the right “fit” for tertiary study.This enables each individual to find the most appropriate academic, financial, social and geographical options for them.
Meet our Higher Education Advisors
Mr Chris Mercer
Higher Education Advisor
Though I initially began my career on the other side of the admissions desk, I transitioned into Higher Education (HE) Guidance 12 years ago. The most rewarding aspect of my work involves delving into the diverse and captivating interests of young individuals. I thoroughly enjoy exploring new courses, universities, and subject areas for our students, and I take pleasure in assisting them in finding the university that best aligns with their educational path beyond GIS.
Ms Renie Leng
Higher Education Advisor/ EPQ & SEL Teacher
Higher Education is a natural progression from my 24 years as an English teacher and 6th form tutor. Having experienced both sides of the coin, as both a parent and a staff member, my knowledge of local culture, parental expectations, and what a child needs places me in a role that brings me the utmost professional gratification. Every day is exciting as the students bring with them their varied needs during our one to ones. The evolving world of competitive Higher Education keeps me on my toes.
University Destinations
Students at GIS gain admission into a wide variety of universities and tertiary study options around the world, including the world’s most selective institutions. We are most proud of the fact that our students are considering an increasingly diverse range of options to find the most suitable next step for them.
University Destinations
Students at GIS gain admission into a wide variety of universities and tertiary study options around the world, including the world’s most selective institutions. We are most proud of the fact that our students are considering an increasingly diverse range of options to find the most suitable next step for them.
Building University Connections
University Visits
GIS welcomes representatives from approximately 100 different universities and colleges onto campus each year. Our annual Higher Education fair usually takes place in March. If you are a university representative and would like to attend please contact our Higher Education Advisors on guidancecounsellor@gardenschool.edu.my
Sixth Form Curriculum
Our broad Sixth Form offering prepares our students for life beyond GIS.
Sixth Form
Our broad Sixth Form offering prepares our students for life beyond GIS.