The Importance of Public Speaking
Ensuring that our young people feel that they have a voice is a critical part of the GIS experience. After all, if we are aiming to prepare our students to become global leaders in the future, then what could be more important? The ability to communicate ideas and opinions confidently and eloquently is essential not solely for leaders in all fields, but for building confidence, developing healthy relationships and influencing others: a good speaker inspires people around them, can lead to change and change opinions. It is then not surprising that it is a skill sought by employers and universities worldwide, but identified too as critical to developing a strong sense of self.
Competing in ARTiculation
This is why we, as part of the GIS Diploma elective ‘Everyone is a Critic’, were extremely excited to compete in ARTiculation, a UK based public speaking competition designed to promote the appreciation and discussion of visual culture. A very competitive internal heat saw three eloquent Year 12 speakers, Jung Min Lee, Nicq Ayub Khan and Qadar Razman Hafidz, speak about pieces of visual art that resonate strongly with them. Following the internal heat, they then proceeded to represent the school by participating in the very first ARTiculation South East Asia Final, hosted by Tanglin Trust School in Singapore, on 8th March and broadcast live on Youtube.
Practice for the Future?
Head of Art, Ev Abbott said: “I have been incredibly impressed with the insight the students showed in their analysis, the diligence of their research and the structure of the arguments. In school, many of our lessons took the form of lively discussions or debates. Moving into online learning, naturally produced some challenges. However, it could be argued that the ability to present online with the same enthusiasm and flair will be a skill of growing importance in the future.”
Second Place for Qadar
Speaking confidently and engagingly about ‘The Joker’, a film which has generated much controversy and debate, student Qadar Razman Hafidz was placed second overall- a remarkable achievement in the regional final. Qadar’s interpretation of the film’s message as a plea for empathy was well argued, and his analysis of the cinematography and imagery of the film was insightful.
Congratulations, Qadar, and well done to all of the staff and students who engaged with this initiative through our unique GIS Sixth Form Diploma elective ‘Everyone is a Critic.’